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While there are exceptions to every guideline, most mortgage lenders typically demand a minimum down payment from homebuyers ranging from 3.5% to 20% of the property’s purchasing price.

Naturally, it’s often more advantageous to provide as large of a down payment as you can comfortably afford for the reasons listed below:

  • Enhanced loan eligibility: Homebuyers capable of providing a larger down payment are typically more attractive to lenders, which frequently results in loans with lower interest rates. This also enables them to qualify for a broader array of mortgage options.
  • Increased loan flexibility: The larger your down payment, the less you need to borrow. This additionally allows you to choose a shorter-term loan, subsequently reducing your interest payments over the lifetime of the loan.
  • Reduced additional costs: Borrowers who make a 20% down payment can avoid the necessity of private mortgage insurance.

Conversely, you should consider reducing your down payment if:

  • It exhausts your savings: This could prove disastrous if you encounter unforeseen financial difficulties.
  • There are more beneficial uses for your money: A smaller down payment may be sensible for homebuyers who believe they can obtain an investment return elsewhere that exceeds their mortgage interest rate.